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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Learn to tie a necktie with ease

How to tie a necktie


Many people don't know how to tie a necktie for themselves!

A lot more do not know how to tie it for others!

If you have the difficulty doing it right, just watch this video with a tie in hand and practise the method along the way, you will find it easy!

I like this creative solution and will use the same method to tie my long scraf!

If you like the traditional way, the following video will suit you:

How To Tie a Tie for BEGINNERS - Double windsor how to tie a tie video

Both video show the Double Windsor knot which is a popular symmetrical necktie knot.

The Double Windsor is a formal knot suitable for interviews or weddings.

Both video recordings teach you how to tie a tie with ease.

Don't worry if this is your first trial, as the video walks beginners through step by step.

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